The phenomenon of hoarding as distinct from collecting has become a topic for debate and for research by psychologists as well as having its own section as a disorder on the NHS website.
It is a popular assumption that
Hoarding has become a favourite topic of research among psychologists, but it has also been a focus for politicians from time to time. Famously in the 1930s when FDR issued an
What Can’t You Bear To Part With – Valued Possessions?
In 2015 anthropologists at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) carried out a study into possessions in the average home. It found that even in the smallest home in their study, a house of 980 sq ft, there were, in the two bedrooms and living room alone
Anxiety is a normal and essential response in the human body, signaling our nervous system in reaction to feelings of endangerment. It’s important to recognize that the distinction between healthy anxiety
When young people move out from home – either for college terms or more permanently – parents often find themselves looking after their offspring’s collections until, in theory, their owners move into a large enough space to be able to take them away.
Anyone who has ever sold their home will be familiar with the agents’ advice to remove “personal clutter” and create an open and neutral space into which viewers can project their imaginations.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
A couple of years ago a book by Japanese author, Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising, became an international best seller.
It is based on the principle that we should keep only those possessions that we truly love and will use and should be ruthlessly disciplined about getting rid of everything else. Her suggested methods,
Last August I wrote a post on hoarding “The UK a Nation of Hoarders” and following on from this and the last post “Smaller UK Homes” I thought that it might be worth revisiting the hoarding subject again, especially as we are now officially into Spring and Spring Cleaning is just around the corner!
In my original post I wrote –