Clutter Points and How To Avoid Them

Clutter Points in The Home
While many people have used the opportunity to carry out home improvements during the recent lockdowns, it is equally likely that with recycling points, charity shops and the like closed, we have built up a certain amount of clutter in the home.
Essentially clutter is anything you have put aside to deal with later, then never have! It then tends to accumulate on flat surfaces around the home, making it harder to clean and to keep tidy.
What is Clutter?
Some of it will be stuff you do want to keep, such as books not yet read. Some of it will be items like clothes that need repairing but you haven’t ever got round to tackling. Will you ever?
Then there are the items bought in bulk perhaps to be sure you don’t ever run out – remember the toilet roll panic in the first lockdown?
Other items that could be regarded as clutter are pieces of equipment needed for a new hobby you thought you might take up, but never got round to.
Then there are the items of sentimental value that you can’t bear to throw away.
Where Clutter Points Tend To Be
Favourite clutter points around the home include Kitchen work tops, hall tables, dressing tables and bedside tables or bedroom chairs, windowsills, and then, of course, there’s the garage.
You can save yourself a lot of time and aggravation if you just deal with all that stuff – like putting the junk mail in the recycling bin and getting rid of the half-used jars and bottles of creams and potions from the dressing table.
And for the sentimental items you can’t bear to part with, there’s always a small space in one of our units or lockers where you can put them.
Just give us a ring for advice on the space you might need and the prices.
Chaos Clutter And Mess – Free photo by Hans on Pixabay