Making Space For Working At Home

Creating a productive workspace is possibly not an easy ask for some people and while in the current climate this has become a necessity for many, it may be more simply said than done.
I have written a mini series of blogs covering this subject of making space to work from home.
The considerations of making space at home and actually being able to achieve this could be miles apart and there are several considerations to bear in mind.
A space to work
Impact on the rest of the household
Having to wear several “hats” at the same time
Working out a schedule
Impact on Health – Physical
Impact on Health – Mental wellbeing
Today I’m looking at –
A Space to Work
Having a dedicated area or room to work from is preferable. For some lucky enough, a study may already be a dedicated quiet area. For others though, rearranging a corner of the kitchen, living-room or bedroom may be the only option.
Ideally, the space you choose or have to work from should have natural light and enough space to work in comfortably at a desk or workstation. Clearing the area from clutter, so that you have space to sit with your laptop or PC and be able to have a document or pad and pen next to you may take a bit of reorganisation.
If you can, try to make this space your dedicated work area. An area that doesn’t have to be cleared away morning, noon and night e.g. for meals, is best if possible.
Box up non-essential items and clearly mark the box with a list of the items inside. This way it will be easier to dig out an item if you suddenly need it.
Working from home may mean you have to reorganise the rest of your home a bit too. Pack items in to small(ish) boxes and again mark these clearly with the items contained within.
Always remember to use best practice when moving pieces of furniture – bend knees, straight back etc.
Tomorrow, I’m looking at the impact that working from home, can have on the rest of the family.