Springtime Refresh for House and Garden

A springtime refresh for home and garden?
The days are getting lighter and Easter will soon be here.
This is generally the time when we notice those parts of our homes that need a bit of a refresh and when we start to sort out the garden after the winter.
Easter is generally the favourite time to get started, when we have a few days off to get things done.
Restricted Movement
Given that we might find our freedom of movement being more restricted in an effort to slow down the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, we could find we have more time on our hands at home. It might therefore be worth stocking up now, on all the decorating materials you may need. You can always put them in your storage unit ready for when you do need them, if we don’t go in to “lock-down” now.
Planning ahead and making lists is always helpful. Especially when you are contemplating home and garden projects to ensure you have everything you will need.
Storage Unit Different Uses
If you store your garden equipment with us, now might be a good time to get it out of storage, especially if you’re also planning some redecoration so you can use the newly-emptied storage space for the furniture instead.
It is always easier to decorate in a completely empty room. The job will be completed much more quickly, so it is worth considering putting the furniture into short-term self-storage.
Ipswich Trailer Service
Our Ipswich unit also has a trailer service to help you move larger items – and if you are moving in for the first time, it won’t cost you anything!
When you are clearing out a room for redecoration, it is also a good opportunity to get rid of any unwanted stuff – it is surprising how much we accumulate without really noticing. Decluttering as part of a decorating project also means you will need a smaller storage space and have fewer items to move.
Remember, you have access to your secure storage unit 24/7 and you can rent a unit for as little as one week.
If you’d like to know more please call us and we’ll do everything we can to help.