Suffolk Christmas Charity Events 2018

Suffolk Christmas Charity Events 2018

Doing something for charity in Suffolk at Christmas

Many people like to do something to help those less fortunate than themselves at Christmas, whether it is donating time or taking part in charity events.
Suffolk has a well-established tradition of such events and here are some for this year:
There will be a carol service at Christmas at St Mary’s Church, Bury St Edmunds on Thursday 20 December 2018 in aid of Alzheimer’s society.

Wear a festive jumper for charity

White Stuff, in Ipswich Buttermarket, are are fund raising with the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service (SARS).
The shop has two special Christmas jumpers to buy with all profits from sales going to SARS
Woolly Pully Week is arranged by St Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich, this year between Monday December 10 and Sunday December 16. Schools, businesses and groups can take part by picking a day that week where they can wear their Christmas jumpers.

Take a bracing swim on Christmas Day

Christmas Day Charity Swim

A Bracing Winter Swim

This is a well-established annual event with swims for charity in several locations:
The 15th annual Christmas Day Dip in aid of St Elizabeth Hospice will take place on Felixstowe sea front on Tuesday 25 December at 10am. Tickets are priced at just £13 until registration closes at midday on Thursday December 20. Meet on Felixstowe sea front in front of Mannings Amusements.
In Southwold you can dress up while you swim at the Southwold Christmas Day charity swim. It is organised by the Rotary Club of Southwold and District the annual event starts at 10.30am on Christmas Day and this year’s charities are Southwold RNLI and the Suffolk and Cambridgeshire Blood Bikes (SERV). You must be aged 16-plus to take part and registration is just £5.
The Lowestoft Christmas Day Swim is back for another year, organised by Sentinel Leisure Trust and raising money for local charities.

Gifts for people in hospital

Colchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity, which raises money for the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, has launched its 2018 Christmas Giving Tree. Gifts are distributed to adult patients on Christmas Day and you can leave your gifts under the tree from now until December 21 between 7.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

And finally – don’t forget the food banks

Food banks come to the rescue when people are unable to afford to eat and operate all year round. Many supermarkets in towns throughout the county have a special trolley or basket for shoppers to put their donations. However, while most donated foods covers the basics, at Christmas don’t forget those festive foods that many people may otherwise go without.