Flexibility to expand is perfect for small business success

The flexibility to increase storage space as your business grows – and not have to worry about being responsible for the premises – were two key reasons why Andy Knowles chose to operate his mail order company The Soapery, from a unit at HomeStore’s Ipswich site.

Four years ago Andy took his first unit to store the range of natural cosmetic ingredients such as essential oils and soap bases, which are popular with customers nationwide who have sensitive skin and are unable to use off-the-shelf products.

When the level of stock became too extensive to keep at home, Andy needed storage that was not only safe and secure, but where he didn’t have to worry about day-to-day maintenance and could focus on his business.

Andy says: “In the early days, not having to take out a long-term lease was extremely helpful as I didn’t have to commit to a fixed timeframe. I also liked the fact that everything was looked after and I could have the flexibility to expand as my business and stock grew, moving into larger units to accommodate my needs along the way. In total I have moved units five or six times over the years.

“Having somewhere I can access anytime, day or night, is great and it’s also very helpful to have people on hand to take in deliveries when I am not there.

“The team at HomeStore has been very understanding and supportive of the needs of a small business such as mine and this has played an important role in the success of The Soapery.”

business storage unit - ipswich

“Everything was looked after and I could have the flexibility to expand as my business and stock grew.”