Who Uses Self-Storage?

Storing good in self storage
Who Uses Self-Storage?


The latest research carried out for the Self-Storage Association in 2020 has some interesting insights into the self-storage business in the UK.
Carried out by Cushman Wakefield, its report reveals that the UK “makes up around 41% of the European self-storage market. It also has the most storage per person of any country in Europe”.

There are more than 1,900 self-storage sites in the UK! But what kinds of people actually use them and for what purposes?

Storing good in self storage

People between 40 and 79yrs more like to use self-storage

Who Uses Self Storage

The research found that 69% of self-storage users are aged between 40-79 years. It also found that divorced or separated people are twice as likely to use the facility.
Users represent just 2% of the UK population, but of these users 41%  are repeat customers.

Self-storage is most likely to be used by domestic customers when there has been a life-changing event – moving house, divorce or bereavement. The intention is to use the facility for less than six months although the research found that many convert to being longer-term users.

Business Use

When it comes to businesses using self-storage, the majority have been found to be small businesses employing fewer than ten people.
The majority of them use the facility for storing stock or components used in their businesses. And during the pandemic, to store furniture and other equipment that has had to be moved in order to reconfigure their spaces to allow for safe social distancing.

It seems that around 80% of users travel for less than 30 minutes to their self-storage unit.